Monday, February 20, 2012

First Mileage Run of 2012

Twelve segments, roughly 44 hours in the air, about 80 hours total time and lots of Airbus action.

I have embarked on my first mileage run of the year! I'm currently at my sister and brother in-laws place in Yelm, WA picking up some packets for an event in March and saying hi to my nephew and mom :)

Special thanks to FT user redheadj for this gem : Flyertalk Thread . I will be flying tonight and tomorrow thru Thursday evening. Routing is PDX-ORD-LGA-ORD-PDX (and repeat two more times). I had a CO e-cert from giving up my seat on a mileage run last year so in total my cost (for flights) came to $66.12. I will net just short of 15,000 EQM (elite qualifying miles) and 30k + RDM (redeemable miles - because of credit card booking bonus), this comes out to a pretty solid CPM!

I am looking forward to the trip, although I am going to assume my rear end might hurt on Thursday. Thankfully I have a friend in Portland where I can park my vehicle and take a shower each night. I will also of course make multiple trips to Voodoo Doughnut and probably bringing some back to the family and my G.F. The trip will also be more enjoyable as I have cleared nine of twelve of the segments to FC. I am waitlisted for all 3 ORD-LGA legs (currently sitting 1/27 for one seat on tomorrow morning's 6AM flight). I have seen some reports of fog in O'Hare so I might encounter some IRROPS and have a chance at a bump or two.

I brought both my camera and video camera with me, so I hope to have some solid pictures and possibly a video report post-trip.

Should be a few of these in my future as well

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. wow, that was crazy, wasn't it?!
    yes, next post, please, full of multimedia from the trip!
